Vegetarian hot dog

Vegetarian hot dog

Preparation 35 min
Difficulty Intermediate
Servings 4


1. Mix the chia seeds and water and let sit for 10 minutes.

2. Pour the gelled chia mixture into a bowl with the remaining ingredients, except for the breadcrumbs.

3. Let the mixture solidify in the refrigerator for about half an hour.

4. Add breadcrumbs until the mixture reaches a drier and firmer consistency.

5. Shape the mixture into hot dog forms with your hands.

6. Bake on a parchment-lined baking sheet brushed with extra virgin olive oil for about 15 minutes on each side at 200 degrees Celsius (400 degrees F), or cook in a well-oiled pan over high heat until a nice golden crust forms on all sides.


  • 2 tbsp (30 g) chia seeds
  • 2 tbsp (30 ml) water
  • 1 can cannellini beans
  • ¾ cup (100 g) flour
  • ¾ cup (100 g) breadcrumbs to adjust consistency
  • 1 tbsp (15 g) tomato paste
  • ½ tsp (2.5 ml) turmeric
  • ½ tsp (2.5 ml) paprika
  • 1 tsp (5 ml) oregano
  • 1 tbsp (15 ml) olive oil to brush parchment paper
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