Water melon and navy bean salad in a jar

Water melon and navy bean salad in a jar

In: Salads
Preparation 10 min
Difficulty Easy
Servings 2


1. Drain the navy beans.

2. Cube the watermelon into bite-sized pieces.

3. Thinly slice the bell pepper.

4. Crumble the feta cheese into small chunks.

5. Wash and dry the fresh spinach thoroughly.

6. Take 2 clean glass jars with lids and layer the ingredients.

7. Add oregano, salt, pepper and drizzle the extra virgin olive oil over each jar.

8. Seal the jars tightly and store in the refrigerator until ready to serve.


Shake the jar gently to mix the ingredients or pour the contents into a bowl and toss to combine. 


  • 1 can of navy beans, drained
  • 1 cup (200 g) watermelon, cubed
  • 1/2 cup (100 g) feta, crumbled
  • 2 handfuls of fresh spinach
  • 1 small bell pepper, thinly sliced
  • 2 tbsp (30 ml) of extra virgin olive oil
  • Fresh oregano to taste
  • Salt and pepper to taste

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